Posted on Monday December 5, 2011

Enjoying the Ride – Disabled Riders of America

Friendly Wheels, Issue 36
Febuary 2011

Featuring Amigo Owner Richard Blake

Richard BlakeAn avid Harley enthusiast, former bike racer, and owner of a two-wheeler and a Trike, annual events on Amigo owner Richard Blake’s calendar include the Sturgis rally, Americade in Lake George, Bike Week and Biketoberfest in Daytona, and an antique motorcycle show for Disabled Riders of America.

As a veteran, his Korean combat experience left him with frostbitten feet resulting in total numbness of his feet and legs. Richard says, “I am able to participate fully in these activities now. The Amigo Front Drive allows me to remain mobile up to six or seven hours a day at bike events across the country.”

Originally from Harlem, N.Y., Richard worked as an auto mechanic for the Cadillac Corporation before retiring and served as a volunteer fireman for 42 years (eight years as chief). Now having joined the growing legions of snowbirds, he and his wife reside in Long Island during the warmer months and then it’s down to Ellenton, Fla. in the winter for fun in the sun.

If you are interested in riding, visit the Disabled Riders of America website here or National Association for Bikers with a Disability in the UK Web sites.

Ride on, Richard!

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